Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Ongoing Phone Saga

Well... This week on Tuesday I finally got a call that the store I ordered an iPhone from, told me they received a shipment of 16GB iPhones. I had actually ordered the 8 GB version but they hadn't received any of those, so they gave me the option to get the 16GB one at the higher rate of course. After giving it some thought I decide it wouldn't be bad to have the extra storage, so I agreed n went with it. My expectations about this being a better phone then the HTC Touch were certainly met. The whole interface experience is so much smoother n every single function works as expected, quick n smooth without having to go round about ways. Sure the HTC Touch Diamond on paper looks like a better phone, after all it has:
- higher resolution screen
- higher resolution cam
- can record video
- more complete Bluetooth support ( a.o. Stereo headset)

That's all good n well but.. It has windows mobile! HTC have tried to "put lipstick on the bulldog" to make it look decent, which they half way succeeded, but... There are a number of annoyances that have finally driven me to the iPhone:
- that blasted notification bar (try clearing those alarms, incoming messages etc. with your fingers, good luck...)
- slooooow photo browsing
- half baked music player ( half the time album art doesn't show up, song sometimes refuse to play, clicks n slight skipping in songs)
- inexplicable Bluetooth behavior (unable to switch it on/off through settings) appeared after a while
- protective film of button area started coming loose (see pic) top left where the home button is located

I know what you're thinking "that guy must be a phone torturer", nothing could be further from the truth though. This wear (after only 2months!) happened simply from carrying the phone in my shirt and trouser pockets. When I showed it in the store, they were very surprised about it. Anyways its going back to HTC luckily I have 2 years warranty.

Finally I was going to add:
- hangs
But then they both seem to suffer from that.

All n all, the iPhone convinced me despite it's closed nature and arguably lesser specs. Overall the experience is much better and there is no need at anytime for a stylus, its a true finger/touch operated device, no half measures there.