Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 4 tests

Yet some more tests. It would seem that performance has stabilized:

ISP Performance Testing Day 3

And here is another data point:

All in all another very reasonable and 'to be expected' level of performance.

VDI Interesting Reads

I'm posting this short blog entry simply to have a quick future reference to a couple of interesting documents I gathered about VDI architecting:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 2 testing

Did this test at night again. I suspect another problem because a download of Google Chrome for Mac was going slow. The test went remarkably well tho.

Test 2 for Today

And another test a little later at night. Now it seems closer to what it should be.

Monday, December 21, 2009

New Place, new Internet Connection

So I've moved and I had to get a new connection, I stuck with what I knew (Telenet) because I wanted the 20Mbit and 60GB monthly cap, but I'm seeing very inconsistent bandwidth and speeds... So much so that I'm starting to record my finding here now as evidence.
Times are recorded in GMT so it's +1 hour to get the actual time the measurement was done

Here's a first measurement:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Google Chrome OS and the Microsoft EC case re: browser integration

Hmm, working with the early developer preview of Chrome OS recently got me thinking how this whole rigamarole with Microsoft and the EC regarding the "tie-in" of Internet Explorer in Windows is a farce (or will be, when we look back on it 5 years from now). Microsoft is being penalized and told to 'jump through a few hoops' by making other browsers equally available) because the inclusion of a browser as part of the OS is unfair competition...
I'm not denying that this action on Microsoft's part has hurt other browser makers. The point I'm making is that developing on an OS that is driven by 1 company, could turn out to be a hazardous business if the company owning the OS decides to rewrite the rules. Since they own the OS, you could argue that it's within their right to do so.

Now in that light, what are we to make of Google Chrome OS? Talk about shutting out the competition, there is no (easy) way to use another browser on that OS (or any other application for that matter). Quite clever of course, because no one's ever going to (be able to) complain that you cannot use a browser of your choosing on it and that it is unfair competition. Since its a free Open Sourced OS, there is no competition, so no unfair practices here. In fact, Google is even tapping into the large pool of OS programmers (and apparently some of them related to Ubuntu) to help them speed up development of the OS.

I'm sure that Chrome OS will carve out a nice piece of the Netbook market once it's ready for prime time, if the initial publicity and buzz on the Net are anything to go by. The current early releases already show amazingly fast boot times and the Chrome browser, well its pretty fast too.
So what then if Chrome OS carves out a big enough piece of the ever growing Netbook market and becomes a secondary defacto standard OS? Or can we even call it an OS? In essence it is Just enough OS to support their Chrome browser. Would we see a renewed discussion on unfair practices, this time starring Google??

Interesting times ahead indeed...

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Syncing your Snow Leopard Mac with Amazon S3

First a bit of history, I have had an Amazon S3 account for a while now, and as per another blog entry, I've been trying to put it to good use in concert with my MacBook. In the past I've tried to get MacFUSE with s3fs tools to work, however that wasn't so easy and haven't found any evidence on the web that anyone has been successful in getting this to work (unless they're not telling of course).

I did find some people having success with command line tools such as s3sync (a Ruby based script) and s3cmd, which is also ruby based.

The article that got me going on this solution is found here.


What does it do?

Ideally what I wanted is mount an S3 bucket as a drive that is available as an icon in the finder. Much like what you get when you have a MobileMe account and get iDisk. The solution presented here does not give the same functionality as that, but its close.

What this solution does is sync a folder of your choice to your S3 bucket of choice. The way it does this is using an upload script that syncs the content of your local folder of choice (this is a shell script that calls the s3sync tool). This script is ran by Launchd (based on a proper plist file to configure it) whenever it sees a change is made in your folder of choice.

Unfortunately this does not take into account any changes made in nested folders…

At the moment the only way to sync the whole folder is triggering it by putting a file in your folder of choice which you can then later be deleted. Another solution might be to have a script being run every 5 mins or so, based on whether there is network connectivity. On Linux it could be made more sophisticated with the use of inotywait. Apparently on Mac OS there is an equivalent going by the name kqueue, but I have yet to find out how to work this in a shellscript (if even possible).

Until I've found a better way, this is the way I do an automated full recursive folder sync.



  1. An Amazon S3 account, which once create will give you an access ID and a secret key you need in the programs below. If you don't have one, you can apply for it here.
  2. A copy of s3sync, get it here and also take the time to read the README file.



  1. s3cmd which you can get here. This command line utility is handy to check your work as you progress.
  2. Apple's Property List Editor (comes with the XCode developer tools, which you find on your installation DVD). This come in handy to create a plist config file for LAUNCHD. You can also get a shareware copy of a similar program here.


The optional tools are not required to get this solution going, but they do come in handy when debugging your work and for creating/editing plist files easily (this can also be done using a standard command line texteditor such as nano or pico).


Ok, so how do we put all this stuff together?

First of all you need to do all this on the command line, which you get by running the Terminal application (found in your Utilities folder which is in your Application folder).


Step 1; Setting up s3sync

First of all you need to download the tool. I have installed the tool in my home directory.

$ wget

$ tar xvzf s3sync.tar.gz

The 2 commands above will create a directory called s3sync. You can now clean up (remove the zip file you downloaded) like so:

$ rm s3sync.tar.gz


The following 2 steps are optional, if you want your up/downloads to be encrypted through SSL. You'll need to download some certificates for SSL to work. First create a directory in your s3sync directory to store the certificates, like so:

$ cd s3sync

$ mkdir certs

$ cd certs

$ wget


The run the following commands

$ sh ssl.certs.shar

$ cd ..

These command install the certs and get you back into the s3sync directory.


Right now would be a good idea to create the folder you are going to sync. I created one in my home folder that I called "backup".

Also create a bucket on Amazon S3 and in that bucket, create a directory that you'll use as a target for the syncing. Name that directory the same as your folder of choice (of course, no spaces in the folder name).


Next you need to create two shell scripts.


The first can be called (or whatever you prefer) with the following content:


# script to upload local directory upto s3 

cd /path/to/yourshellscript/ 

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=yourS3accesskey export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=yourS3secretkey export SSL_CERT_DIR=/your/path/to/s3sync/certs 

ruby s3sync.rb -r –ssl --no-md5 --delete ~/backup/ syncbucket:backup

# copy and modify line above for each additional folder to be synced


The second script can be called and is the same as the script you created above, so do a cp and simply change the last line as follows:

ruby s3sync.rb -r –ssl --no-md5 –delete –make-dir syncbucket:backup ~/ 


So the only difference being the source and destination of the sync having been swapped.


The final thing to do for security (don't want anyone to peek at your Amazon key and secret):

$ chmod 700 

$ chmod 700


This ensures that only you (your account rather) can read these files.



Step 2; Creating a Launchd job to keep your directory synced

This part of the solution was inspired by a rather old, but still relatively useful posting here that explains the workings of Launchd and whose example is exactly what we need for this solution.


Basically we'll need to create a .plist file that we will place in a folder that may not yet exist:

Your home folder/Library/LaunchAgents


If it doesn't, create it now.


Then we create the .plist file in this directory as follows. You can use nano for instance and name it your.domain.s3sync.plist

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">

<plist version="1.0">















The last thing you need to do is tell launchd to load this script and go watch that folder of choice. This is done like so:


$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/your.domain.s3sync.plist


And you're all set!




  1. Recursive triggering of the script
  2. More secure setting of the environment variables (currently contained in the script, which is only readable by your user account)